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Grown-up girl

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It’s official.
I’m an adult, a real life adult with real life responsibilities!
Stu & I have only gone and bought a blummin’ house!!
An actual house, no more climbing up stairs to get to our flat front door, no more being able to have a conversation from any point of our flat because of how small it is, no more…. Having money to frivolously spend on!?!
Oh. Crap.
It’s all fun and games searching for a home, nosy'ing around people’s houses, creating pinterest boards of what you would have in your dream kitchen – hello, I need that copper cooker!
But reality has just hit – I have our keys in my hands (well, not literally, typing would be an issue!) and we are having to say no to doing things with our friends to save for things we want due to our outgoings doubling in a blink of an eye...
But wow, what a feeling, we have a home J somewhere that I am actually going to be excited to go back to after a day at work, and even more excitedly – until the pitter patter of kids arrive (a while yet believe me!) I’m having one of the spare rooms as a ‘get ready room’! A GET READY ROOM!!! I struggled to have a get ready corner in our last place!
So, basically, this post is to prewarn you – home style posts will increase, Asos might go out of business and you are going to see more and more of my items being sold on my @depop due to not being able to afford to keep up with my current spending habits.
Here are some of my favourite places/websites for homeware shopping:
Local auctions (Nottingham cattle market is brilliant!)

YouTube - September Favourites

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Hello you!

It's took me 7 whole months to
get round to doing this but I've finally filmed another YouTube video! Woop!

This time I've talked all about my favourite purchases made in September.. Hope you like it! :)

Love Jenn x


3 months on from losing him

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It's 4.30am & I can't sleep..
I think mainly due to the fact that it's my first night alone in the new house as Stus working away, I'm not scared, far from it.. But my mind has a tendency to be a bitch at times & tonight is one of them kind of nights.

As soon as Stu said he was working away my initial thought was 'I can watch crap on TV without him commenting, Woop!' But that was swiftly followed with 'I haven't had a night on my own since my Grandad passed away.. I hope my mind doesn't play games..'
& that's exactly what it's done for the whole evening!

It started the second I walked through the door to find the backdoor unlocked.. Instant sick feeling of 'what if someone's in the house??' So I did the whole 'hellooo?!' Thing & checked all the rooms.. nothing..(thank God!)

Then it continued when I put the radiators on & even though I knew it was going to happen, I got freaked out by the creeks the house made..

Then this happened...
 I thought I saw him! (*insert dramatic music here) I didn't freak out, I just stared & remained still .. I didn't know so many thoughts could run through your mind at the same time - but was this really happening?! Was my Grandad giving me a sign?! I couldn't tell if I was excited or bricking it..

Was he heck. Stu had left his razor on charge & it was the blue light bouncing off the wall.

Why does this happen?! Our brains can be right little bastards can't they?!
I mean, even as I write this I keep thinking - what was that noise?!?!

So we are nearly 3 months in after he passed away & I still don't really think I believe it's happened because I still have that 'I can't wait to see him' feeling.. Maybe I've accepted it but I really think that he might 'visit'? 

I still talk to him every single day. Sometimes just a hello at his picture, sometimes a full on rant about how unfair life can be, but I know that I need to keep reminding myself how lucky I am to have the memories of him.

I met my friend for lunch the other day in London & for the first time in ages, I spoke about when it happened, the moments he left us - I was there by his side for his last breath & I don't think at the time I realised just how special that moment was - just me & him - before I knew it I was crying into my pancakes & saying cliche things like 'make the most of every moment with the people you love'..
But it's true & even now I have to bring it back to that moment to remember just how fragile life is.

So tomorrow, I'm going to wake up positive & spend a day of appreciating everything & everyone around me..

It shouldn't take losing someone to do that, but it's certainly a kick up the bum.

Dressing Room Inspiration

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Oh hello youuu!

Been a while hasn't it - write that every time don't I?!
..But once again I come armed with excuses - And for those of you that don't know, one of the main excuses being that Stu & I have bought a house! Eek! Big girl/boy stuff going down! ;)

Now we've settled in abit & worked out how much money we don't have left after outgoings swap from our accounts - we can start to think about decorating!

I don't know how I managed to get away with this, but the first room to get started on is my dressing room!! Yippeee! (oh and I know how spoilt I am to even get one in the first place, feel crazy lucky, but we worked hard for it I promise :) )

So whilst the floors are being laid and the walls painted, I thought I'd share with you some images I'm using for inspiration for the dressing room - you'll soon see that I don't really have one style, one minute I want to be minimum, the next scandi and then I can't help but throw abit of shabby in there too for good measure! Think a mix between a boutique fitting room and a cabin in the mountains..

I am about 1 payday away from having my room finished so will get a post up soon with how it's ended up - more than likely a missmatch of everything you're about to see - for now you can get snapshots on my snapchat: @Cordelia2013 and my instagram: @Cordelia_Hearts
Oh & if you do like what you see and feel inspired by it, pop me a comment below to let me know & im happy to do something like this for all rooms of the house :)

Lotsa love and enjoy x


Disclaimer: All of these images have been taken from Pinterest and not my own.

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